Loving Out Loud is a collection of personal stories intended to provide practical examples of how to love our neighbor, one another, and even our enemies. In some, Michael shares about how other people truly set an example for him. In others, he shares about times when he blew it. In all of them, you will find grace and an opportunity to adapt the message to your own daily life. You will laugh with him and you may cry with him, but you will also walk with him as he learns how to love. This book is great for bible classes, small groups, or devotional times. Each chapter contains discussion questions and a personal challenge. As a bonus at the end, you will find the Lovementalism Challenge designed to help you set new patterns in your love for others.
Foreword by Don Mclaughlin, Senior Minister, North Atlanta Church of Christ and author of Love First: Ending Hate Before It’s Too Late

The Christian walk is sometimes filled with potholes, rocky paths, and steep hills. Yet the Lord is there making the way straight. June Foster shares her journey—the joys and the trials—through fifty devotionals she’d written over the last ten years. Some are geared toward those of us who’ve reached the twilight years, yet all embrace the joy and peace only a life with Jesus can offer. Come alongside June as she explores God’s word and rejoices in the Lord. Leave your cares and join the dance in a field of daisies. AMAZON

Our day-to-day troubles often feel immediate and momentous to us, while God can seem absent and powerless. What happened to the majestic God of the Bible?
According to author Jo Huddleston, the problem doesn’t lie with God. It is we who have forgotten his greatness. Whether you’re feeling spiritually dry, or you simply want to spend a moment each day reflecting on our glorious King, His Awesome Majesty can enhance your appreciation of our magnificent God.
Join with Jo Huddleston in 70 conversational, devotional thoughts on God’s splendor. Her meditations sometimes challenge and sometimes console, but they usually help clear obstacles from your personal access to God’s power.
His Awesome Majesty is written by someone who understands the troubling times other women face. In her words of hope, you can feel the healing caress of the Father, and enjoy personal contentment in his presence. Let Jo Huddleston remind you that God comes in our suffering and in our happiness, but always “God comes in awesome majesty.” (Job37:22) AMAZON