Colleen K. Snyder


Colleen K. Snyder has always had a passion for writing. She authored two previously published books: Journey to Amanah: The Beginning and Return to Tebel-Ayr: The Journey Continues (B&H Publishing). She lives on a “ranchette” in California and is training as the (very) junior ranch hand. She serves on her church prayer team and exercises a ministry of encouragement. Colleen has worked as a factory line worker, pharmacy technician, USAF missile systems analyst, janitor, nanny, teacher, and whatever else the Lord required. Her story is for His glory, always.


I can’t wait to be with you. Friday can’t come soon enough.

Chay Waylon is receiving threatening messages from her own email account. Someone is mimicking her address. Someone who wants more than her attention. He’s pursuing an imaginary relationship. A Christmas romance.
But why? And most important, who?

Ken, her boss, thinks she’s sending the messages to herself to create drama. No big deal. Get back to work.
Then, the entire office system is locked out with Chay’s picture on every screen throughout the accounting company. Ransom is demanded. Ken is convinced Chay is behind the theft.

How can she clear her name of the holiday hoax and catch the stalker who wants to make her his own?
And when the once love of her life makes a second appearance, will she let him go again? Or will she admit she needs help and welcome him back in her life…this time forever? AMAZON


The masked figure poured accelerant over the sparkling dreams, wishes, and hopes. Chemicals melted delicate lace tulle. The liquid scarred the shimmering satins. Pearl buttons dissolved. The flash of ignition turned yards of fabric to ash.

An arsonist is destroying wedding shops. Vandalizing event centers, flower warehouses, and anything wedding-related. But it’s still “only” vandalism. Until Micah Andres and Wendy Smothers are taste-testing cakes for their upcoming wedding. An SUV demolishes the building. The baker is killed.

Now it’s murder, and mayhem ensues…

The van Micah rides in is hit with bullets. The county office he visits is blown up. Someone firebombs the houses where the Knights live. Is this the arsonist? Or is something deeper going on? Can Micah and the Knights find out before the murderer strikes again?

Join the Knights of the Octagon in their latest adventure: Wedding Crashers. AMAZON


The Quake is Coming

Impeccable research from a brave geologist predicts a major earthquake for the local area. Soon. Within thirty days soon. Not all his colleagues agree with his conclusions. The quake is coming? Absolutely. But three weeks? More like three years. Maybe.

A group of young men are convinced of the geologist’s calculations. They’re preparing for it. Frantically buying food and supplies for the survivors. But will there be any? Of the five thousand people in town, how many will believe their report? “Orton’s Crazies,” people call them. “Cultists” who want to sit on a hilltop and wait for the end to come.

It would be easier for the Knights not to tell anyone and simply get out of town. But then how many deaths will be on their heads? How do you convince people—family, friend, and foe alike—of a truth they don’t want to hear?

The quake is coming. What would you do about it? AMAZON


It’s life or death. Can they pull together to survive?

Dumped from a raft in the middle of God literally only knows where, four friends are stranded in the wilderness. No cellphones. No maps. No food. Three pocket knives, a compass, and each other are all they have.

Until two shadowy figures lead Micah and his friends to a stash of survival equipment scrounged from the river. Who are these mysterious benefactors? What do they want?

Then rescue comes with a catch. Micah and his friends can wait four days to be taken to civilization or join a real-life quest for a million dollars. The Magary treasure hunt—going on its fiftieth year with no winners—has seen deaths before. With a murderer in the field, will the men become victims?

Is the reward worth the risk? Can the Knights work as a team to not only survive but find a treasure no one else has found? Where is God in their search? In their lives?

Join the Knights of the Octagon on their first adventure. AMAZON

Q is missing.
Quinn Magary, patron, supporter, champion of the Knights of the Octagon, is missing.
Five days late from a three-day personal assignment, and no one can find him.
Then Grace Painter, another member of the Knights, disappears without warning.

The remaining Knights—Tav, Luke, and Micah—vow to find their friends and mentors.

Then someone runs Tav off the road. And Micah is nearly murdered at Grace Painter’s worksite. An innocent lunch date becomes a conflagration as a shadowy figure blows up the restaurant.

Dead bodies appear. Knights are battered, kidnapped, and left for dead. Who is after them? Why? What can they do to end the attacks? And above all, where are Quinn and Grace?

Join the Knights for their next adventure in:




She’s eighteen. A visitor to a tornado-stricken town in need of help. Half of the residents think she’s a saint. The other half wants her dead. Who is she? Why do people want to kill her?

Brother Matt Golding is a store-front preacher in Oakton, the capital of Ohio. He sends a team of his young congregants to assist a friend, Pastor Phillip Mars, in Rallins, Indiana. The small farm community was devastated by a category three tornado. In the aftermath of the storm, Pastor Mars’s church burned to the ground.

But Collin Walker, the team’s youngest member, claims the church burned through arson. How can a barely eighteen-year-old possibly know that?

Know it she does. Now someone is afraid of the other small-town secrets she might expose. They are determined to have her injured and sent home. Failing that, they want her killed. What other skills does Walker have? Can they save her? Will they?

Come meet Walker in:


It started with a simple idea. Jeff and Collin Farrell want to hold a company retreat. A week’s stay at their private lodge, all expenses covered. Everyone is welcome. Come have a great time.

Until someone gets shot. Someone dies. Natural causes? Stupidity? Murder?

The week had become a nightmare. Will a murderer walk free? Does Injustice get a pass? Where is God?

When you know the truth, but the Law turns a blind eye, how do you reconcile the God of Justice with the God of Mercy? Can He be both?

Walk with the Farrells as they find out.  AMAZON


“One man in a thousand, Solomon says, will stick more close than a brother…But the thousandth man will stand by your side, to the gallows’ feet and after.” Rudyard Kipling

Who is your “thousandth man?” The friend with who you can share your heart and soul? The one who knows your triumphs, your loves, your weakness, your fears?

What if they betray you?

Someone is trying to destroy Collin Farrell by tormenting her with reminders of the past. They are planting letters in the house—while she’s home—threatening her and her children. The same someone has let loose lies and rumors that can destroy Collin’s reputation and character.

Only a friend would be close enough to pull it off. But which one? Who hates her? Who wants to drive her away from the church? Destroy her family? Can she distinguish between who loves her and who is merely pretending? Can you?





  When was the last time you lied?

Do you lie to keep a secret?

Or do you keep a secret to hide a lie?

Collin Farrell has a secret, and she can’t wait to tell her husband.

Jeff Farrell has a secret, too, one he’s been hiding from Collin since before they married.

Collin’s brother, Erin, has a girlfriend with a secret she won’t tell.

Vy Johnson is a DEA agent who knows all about lies and secrets.

What happens when Secrets and Lies collide?

Cars get crushed (with the drivers inside.)

Homes explode.

Marriages implode.

Careers—and lives—are jeopardized.

Can God work even this together for the good of all involved and still get the glory from it?  AMAZON



  Three hundred MILLION dollars. Your inheritance. Buy anything you want, go anywhere you want, do anything you want. All yours. Except…

You’re a social worker. How do you maintain “street cred” with the kids you’ve devoted your life to?

How will that kind of money affect the man you love?

And then there’s your birth family. The ones that abandoned you to die at fourteen. The ones you suspect even now are trying to have you killed over the money. How do you share with them? Or do you?

What would Jesus do? What would He want you to do? Would you do it?

Welcome back to Collin Walker’s world. AMAZON


A serial killer’s next target.

A woman must face her greatest fear.

Collin Walker, a twenty-six-year-old youth worker on the hard, downtown streets of Oakton, Ohio, has come to West Virginia to an extreme sports challenge camp. Single and single-minded, she is there for one purpose: to show her ward, Robbie, that there is more to life than the ‘hood.’

Collin has no way of knowing that the week ahead will force her to face the river she has feared since childhood, a murderous assailant, and perhaps the greatest challenge of all: the possibility of love.

The first night there she meets the twenty-eight-year-old camp maintenance man, Jeff Farrell. His easy banter, gentle humor and quick wit intrigue Collin. Through the week, as their paths cross over and over – and over and over – Collin finds herself drawn to the man as none before. Yet for all his openness, Jeff seems to be keeping secrets.

Though he shares freely about his background, he hedges when pressed for details. He talks with familiarity about the camp owner but refuses to reveal the man’s identity. Collin suspects there is more going on than she is being told. Then Robbie chooses to take the class in white water rafting and asks Collin to come along. Collin must summon all her faith to face her fear of the river.

But when a serial killer makes her his next target will she still depend on faith to see her through? Can she “walk the talk” when the challenges of the week spiral out of her control? AMAZON


  The stakes couldn’t be higher.

Thirty-six years of marriage. Two children. Two granddaughters, the lights of her life.

Her home. Her friends. Her church. Her God?

Will she throw it all away for freedom? Freedom from abuse? From neglect? Subjection?

And what if he comes after her?

For Sheridan (Dash) Warren, the options have never been more clear. Stay, keep the status quo and watch her life descend further and further into the soul-stealing denial of all that is Dash Warren, all that is life and light and joy and peace…

Or abandon it all in a desperate flight to save what little of her true self she has left. If God is for her, who can be against her? But is God for her? Is He leading her out, or is it her own voice she’s listening to?

And what will her husband, Roy, do if she does run? He’s been violent before. Will he come after her? What if he catches her? What will her future look like? Will she even have a future?

Dash must make the decision of her life. Can she make the right one? AMAZON